The Critical Importance Of Defining Shapefile Coordinate Systems
The Problem with Unspecified Coordinate Systems
Shapefiles store geometric data like points, lines, and polygons as coordinates in an unspecified coordinate reference system by default. Without a defined projection or coordinate system, the coordinates are ambiguous and prone to misinterpretation. Using shapefiles with unspecified coordinate systems can lead to inaccurate data integration, analysis, and mapping.
Consequences of assuming wrong coordinate system
Assuming an incorrect coordinate system for a shapefile can skew measurements, area calculations, and spatial relationships in geographic information system (GIS) software. For example, plotting a shapefile with unspecified coordinates using a global projection like WGS 1984 may distort shapes and relative positions. Errors compound rapidly when overlaying multiple datasets with mismatched coordinate systems.
Common errors and mismatches
Common errors that occur due to unspecified coordinate reference systems in shapefiles include inaccurate distance, area, and direction measurements. Lines and polygons appear distorted or in the wrong location. Attribute data does not match the associated geometry. Overlaying datasets causes alignment issues along seams and gaps between features that should match. These mismatches degrade analysis and lead to incorrect map output.
Why Coordinate Systems Matter for Shapefiles
Fundamentals of coordinate reference systems
Coordinate reference systems provide the geographic or projected coordinate framework that defines the meaning, position, scale, and relationships between coordinates in a dataset. They ensure spatial data is represented accurately and consistently for measurements, analysis, and mapping.
Shapefile format limitations
The shapefile format stores coordinates without spatial reference information. This means coordinate systems must be defined externally in associated metadata, documentation, or application settings. Without an explicitly defined projection, the coordinates themselves lack necessary context. Different interpretations of the same coordinates will yield different results.
Matching Dataset and Map Projections
Identifying coordinate systems for shapefiles
Determining the correct coordinate system for a shapefile requires detective work examining file contents, metadata, documentation, data sources, spatial extent and features, and more. Contextual spatial clues provide hints. Matching extents, relative feature positions, distances and directions confirm candidate projections.
Assigning correct projections
Once the spatial reference system is determined for a shapefile’s coordinates, GIS users should define this coordinate system through projection metadata and by setting the appropriate project-on-the-fly interpretation in their software. This critical step positions features accurately for all geospatial operations.
Verifying and Defining Projections
Tools for examining and defining projections
GIS applications provide tools for assigning, modifying and visualizing coordinate systems associated with datasets. For example, ArcMap has the Define Projection and Project tools. QGIS uses Set CRS, Reproject Layer, and On-the-fly CRS Transformation settings. GDAL defines projections through command line utilities like gdalinfo, ogrinfo, gdal_edit, and gdalwarp.
Example workflow for defining unknown projection
An iterative process is required to match an unknown shapefile projection by attempting candidate geographic and projected coordinate systems while checking feature alignments, extents, distances, angles, and areas at each step until the correct system is confirmed. Documenting the assigned projection completes the process.
Fixing Mismatched Coordinate Systems
Detecting mismatch errors
Indicator signs of mismatches between shapefile projections and analysis environments include coordinate overflow errors; feature gaps, overlaps and distortions; elongated polygons and squashed shapes; and obvious measurement, distance, direction and area calculation errors.
Transforming coordinate systems
Reprojecting feature geometry between coordinate reference systems using GIS software repairs mismatches, standardizes projections, and prepares integrated analysis. This transformation resamples coordinates appropriately using defined projection parameter math equations.
Sample code for reprojecting shapefiles
Python’s GDAL/OGR library can reproject shapefiles with Python code like:
import ogr, osr
inProjection = osr.SpatialReference()
outProjection = osr.SpatialReference()
transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(inProjection, outProjection)
inDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName(‘ESRI Shapefile’)
inDataSource = inDriver.Open(‘input.shp’, 0)
inLayer = inDataSource.GetLayer()
inSpatialRef = inLayer.GetSpatialRef()
outDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName(‘ESRI Shapefile’)
outDataSource = outDriver.CreateDataSource(‘output.shp’)
outLayer = outDataSource.CreateLayer(”, geom_type=ogr.wkbMultiPolygon)
feature = inLayer.GetNextFeature()
geom = feature.GetGeometryRef()
This loops through input features, transforms the geometry to the defined output projection, and writes the result to a new projected shapefile.
Best Practices for Coordinate Reference Systems
Tips for ensuring correct projections
Best practices include formally documenting data lineage and coordinate systems for all spatial data as standard metadata. Define shapefile projections on import or creation. Visually check alignments and extents when overlaying data. Standardize storage projections organization-wide.
Creating standards for your organization
Organizations should define formal coordinate system storage standards and projection metadata requirements. Provide common reprojection workflows, tools, documentation templates, and training. Audit internal datasets continually. Make staff accountable for verifying and maintaining projection definitions.